< Piro >
"the undefinable headspace"
Thursday - November 29, 2007
[Piro] - 09:01:35 - [link here]
Well, i knew that one of the challenges this week was to see how effectively I could 'go back to work.' Having a little one to take care of adds a whole 'nother layer of activities and responsibilities to your tasklist, filling it with certain numbers of things that have various levels of priority from "immidately" to "sometime before he turns 21." Our first two weeks with the new baby really had me worried if i'd ever be able to compartmentalizing any of the Jack-related items, but by Monday I was starting to see some hope that it could be done. After all, we are hardly the first couple to have kids. Even comic artists and writers somehow manage it.
I actually didn't do too badly. It probably would have been a three comic week if i wasn't dealing with over a month of being behind with all sorts of other things that, well, pay the bills. Love the little guy, but his timing has been remarkably good at torpedoing our Christmas season at the MegaGear store this year. The good news is i managed to get most of the new stuff done, photographed, and once i get home later i can set the new stuff live. Got a new christmas mug design, a new ornament, some other new stuff, the biggest thing being a brand new t-shirt design supporting the Zombie Rangers. :P I'll post here later this afternoon when it's ready to go live.
I got a number of emails telling me that when feeding your baby is one of the best times to catch up on anime, and i actually took a little bit of that advice yesterday - i finally watched the first ep yesterday (or was it the day before??) and it put a very big grin on my face. It's as good and a little better than i expected - it's nice to see some Key characters who are not quite so morbidly emo as they tend to come off sometimes (like i'm anyone to talk). It's really kind of funny that i have not been watching Clannad as it came out, considering the fact that Kimiko and Lockart and the Sight game are inspired by Clannad and the long wait there was before the game surfaced. I even had Erika dressed up as a Clannad girl back in 2002. :)
Ok, gotta run. I'll be back this afternoon.