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"lazy piro week"
Friday - November 16, 2001
[Piro] - 12:27:00 - [link here]
Well, back when we switched to a 'chapter' based format, i said that i wouldn't use the end of a chapter as an excuse to take a break, to goof off and be generally lazy. I apologize for the unfortunate 'Omake' examples on monday and friday, and for the fact that there was really only one good comic this week (tho i felt that Wedneday's comic came out pretty good). Anyways, everyone seems happy enough, and thanks for being patient. I could sit here and say that i have been working hard on scripting out more of chapter 2, but the truth is that i've had writers block all week, and there has been little progress on it. Chapter 2 SHOULD start on monday, i'm hoping this block dissipates - after all, the stuff we come up with this week basically lays out what we will be doing for the next month and a half. So, its a bit more stress than usual.
My new laptop is working out very well - better than i expected, actually. For a while I was having a real problem with the fact that the colors on he screen were -really- off - but a little twiddling with Adobe Gamma and suddenly everything looks fine. While it's true that you really shouldn't trust a LCD screen for detailed color work, it's more than good enough for what i do. :)
If you remember, i mentioned that i had installed a Linksys cable/dsl broadband router so that seraphim and i could have net access. It worked great, but soon after i installed it, a friend talked me into going wireless... so the next thing i knew, i was placing an order at CDW for a Linksys EtherFast Wireless Cable/DSL Access Point/Router (which is really the same router i had with a wireless access point ^_^) and a sweet little Lucent ORiNOCO World PC Card - Silver card. I figured that i'd leave the thing plugged in most of the time, and that the wireless stuff would be nice when i need to sit around or move around - but what i've discovered is that this wireless stuff is REALLY neat. Sometimes, being chained to one location while trying to be creative is REALLY hard. the ability to move around the apartment, sit in a chair and type and think... is really pretty invaluable. I've been VERY happy with this combo - and so has Seraphim, because now she can work on her stuff and i don't have to bother her at all.
What happened to the old router? Well, i brought that back to where i purchased it, and exchanged it for a new scanner ^_^ I couldn't connect my old UMAX Astra 1200S to the laptop (it's a SCSI scanner) so i really needed some kind of USB scanner - and the little Canon CanoScan N670U talk about a sweet little scanner. Same rez as the big scanner, and more color depth. Wednesdays and fridays comic/omake's were made using the new scanner.
While it's true that the new laptop has distracted me to a certain extent (i was watching some Card Captor Sakura DVDs last night ^_^) it really has made it easier for me to work on stuff. That means that my writers block is completely in my head, and i can't blame it on equipment this time ^_^
I suppose i look at a new chapter as good opportunity to make some significant improvements, or leaps in evolution of Megatokyo as an online comic/manga - and of course this challenge only makes it that much worse. ^_^ I turn to a lot of things for inspiration - When we started, i was really into FLCL and Excel Saga. It was the Love Hina manga that inspired me to go to a full page format. Maison Ikkoku was an inspiration to some of the storytelling aspects. Kaitou St tail, Mimi o Sumaseba, Shamanic Princess, Vampire Princess Miyu, Digi Charat... there are dozens and dozens of shows and manga titles that inspire me in one way or another. What happens to be inspiring you at a given time is always an interesting set of circumstances.
At this very moment, the things that i'm looking to for inspiration are various works of Koge Donbo, like Pitaten (i love this manga) and Snow Sugar (inspiring Megatokyo?? ^^;;) Koge Donbo is the gal who created DigiCharat, in case you were wondering. :) Another big influence is Comic Party, the tv anime in particular - as well as the game (which i now have and need to find time to play.)
I'm still trying to figure out how to get largo's world to mesh with all that - but hey, thats part of the fun. :)
You can support Megatokyo by getting yourself some cool YakPak swag using the link below. Piro has been carrying a black Medium Flapdoozy since the comic started (because that's what i really use ^_^). Also, the YakPak people are cool folk: