< Piro >
"when did this happen?"
Wednesday - December 6, 2000
[Piro] - 05:03:00 - [link here]
Largo and I aren't really all that big on hype. We've been pretty much low-key about this whole Megatokyo thing from day one. I still feel like its some kind of big elaborate gag that largo is playing on me. I envision it as being something like a big DDoS attack - only rather than bogging down servers and shutting down corporate websites, he's using some bots to send random emails and hits from servers all over the damn place. And he's got everyone on IRC to go along with the gag. I'm not sure how he is managing all the fantastic fan-art work. I think he must be paying people to draw stuff.
oh, and the forum? that's some sorta 'natural progression' bot that uses chaos theory algorithms to grind out posts.
I gotta tell you, this time he's topped himself. Largo has hacked his way into Gamespy Networks and added a big swanky article and even put us in their comics section! I have to say, bravo Largo! I am impressed.
It's a pretty good article too. Better than the 'characters' section of our own site. In fact, there are a few tidbits in the character descriptions I haven't really made public yet. Not that there really are any readers. If you do sorta wander across this site somehow, you should read it.
Wait, i remember actually TALKING to this guy from Gamespy. Hm. I wonder how Largo arranged that. I think his name was John. Hm. Pretty sneaky, Largo, preeeetttty sneaky. Betya that was Kyo. But it didn't SOUND like kyo... hm...
Anyhoo, looks like Megatokyo is now a part of the Gamespy network! Or at least until someone over there discovers whats going on and fixes things :P Even tho i dont believe it, it's pretty sweet. Being in there with the likes of Penny Arcade, Dork Tower and Angst Technologies. Sweet stuff. And we ain't worthy.
Suddenly feeling like this might all be real again, I'll say this. We've REALLY avoided hyping MT. I've worked more on the idea that 'hey, we just quietly do a good comic thats well drawn, with a good story, and a drunk largo at least once a month, and people will come'. I'm real happy to be working with Gamespy. Heck, i remember downloading beta versions of QuakeSpy itself years ago and playing fragfests over little crappy modem connections. Brings back good memories.
That's another thing. This whole T-shirt thing. I keep seeing that people are buying them. I don't know how Largo is managing that one. I decided to be really evil and add two more designs last week. Heheh, i know he'll crack under the financial pressure - never mind run out of places to hide all this megatokyo swag. ^^;;
Maybe in like a month or two i might actually believe it. We'll see. I'm still waiting for the lights to come on, and for everyone to bust out laughing sayin, "Gotcha!!"
Even so, the Gamespy stuff was a nice touch. Maybe they wont notice. ^_^