< Piro >
"a whine-free rant!"
Wednesday - May 26, 2004
[Piro] - 16:34:00 - [link here]
Rants sure seem to be the things that get short shift these days. And when I do rant its about not having time to rant. How lame is that? :P For today, I'm going to replace my normal whining with this cute little forum avatar I made for myself:

Much more entertaining, don't you think? Oh, and when I say I made this avatar, that means I just put it together in ImageReady. The drawings are actually from a webcomic that prompted me to take on the nickname "piro" - "Dining Table of the Minase Family" (Minase-ke no Shokutaku) by Quarter Iceshop. None of them make a lot of sense if you don't know much about Kanon or Air, but these were some of the comics that inspired me to start working on MT years ago. Comic number five is the one I used to make my avatar. It's almost like a little tribute to Himuro Tomoe-san for sticking me with this damn nickname for the rest of my life. :P
I had a whiny drama-laden rant I typed up, but I think that little bit of mt history instead should be far more entertaining. :) Lots of stuff going on, as you might guess. Seraphim and I are real busy with the store, and things are going well. I've finished quite a few new shirt designs, and even have a few off to the shirt printer (gasp). Lots of new girls shirts too - something a lot of our girl-type readers have been after for a long time. Sorry it took so long. (be sure to take Seraphim's little survey on ladies shirt sizes - we have little data on them :P). The website backend stuff is muddling along, and I have two trips to take in the next two weeks. Let me provide some info on those real quick.
Seraphim and I will be at Fanime in San Jose, California this weekend (May 28-30). Not only will we be there, but so will Dom, Ed, Cortana... yes, Ed will be there. Maybe that's why I'm scared to go. :P Sarah and I will be there Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and you should be able to find us at the Wizzywig booth drawing and signing stuff most of the time :) The Megatokyo panel is at 5:00pm on Friday, so be sure to come if you're commin to Fanime. :P
The following weekend (and that's the killer - we'll be home for three days between cons) we'll be at Project A-Kon in Dallas, Texas (June 4-6). I don't know what our schedule at A-kon is yet, but I'll post it here as soon as I know. I won't be at the Wizzywig booth for A-kon (they don't want us in the dealer room :P) but we will have a table somewhere to take care of everyone. Wizzywig has some maps on their website showing where they will be with MT swag stuff at least.
What does this mean for the comic schedule? Well, hopefully, not too much. I have 4 comics and two DPDs planned. If everything goes according to plan, then there will be something up each day, and (gasp) no SGDs. Well... I will only resort to Shirt Guy Dom strips as a last resort, but I've been known to resort to last resorts before. In fact, Dom is actually doing some to fill in the gap. it was very nice of him to offer to do two full weeks of SGD strips, but... I thought that might be a little overkill. :P
More info later if I have any. Right now, I'm gonna get cracking on more drawings. One other small problem with A-kon is that I will be getting my copy of Clannad when I am there from a friend who picked it up for me... heheh. ^^;; I have a feeling Seraphim will lock it away till after the store is up and running. Hell, I might do that myself. :)
As for the rant image, thats one of my fave little MT fan arts i have scattered on my hard disks. Yuki goes Apes**t. :P Makes me chuckle every time i see it. (if you know who to did this, please let me know so i can credit them ^_^)