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  1. Panel 1:
    Dead Piro Week - Day 4 of 4
    And that's that. This drawing is nowhere near as nice as I had intended. (In fact, I almost crumpled it up) But I guess it's still better than the first DPD in this series. Regardless, that's it for the Dead Piro Day Festival - we return to regular comics starting Friday. Thanks for your patience.
    Also shown:
    Kimiko, Seraphim


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< Piro >

Pirogoeth, Largo, your world is ready...

"world gone gold"

Wednesday - June 12, 2002

[Piro] - 08:31:02 - [link here]

New Capture the Bear poster availible - support MT, buy a poster. they are cool. :P

Before i get into my typical, normal, uninteresting rantage, i think that congrats are in order for the Bioware crew on the news that Neverwinter Nights has gone gold - which means that we'll be seeing it on store shelves pretty soon. I guess Largo and Piro really didn't make it home before the game came out ^^;;

As you can see, my 'break' from Megatokyo is now over. Well, it wasn't really a break, per se - i spent most of the break working at the office, or working on a few other Megatokyo related things, and fun things like planting garden boxes out on the porch with seraphim. I've also endeavored to get ahead in strips a little, an elusive goal that still seems elusive, but the good news is that i feel much better able to forge on with Megatokyo now that i've had a little 'mental break' so to speak. Thanks for your patience, i think that some of the DPD weren't too bad (i LOVE the one i did for monday, the Cave of Evil one... i don't know why)

If you must know, each of these DPD drawings took a lot longer than i ever planned. I really have had trouble getting back into drawing. I dont know why, really - i went thru dozens of false starts with each of the drawings that went up. I guess that now when i do illustration style drawings, i feel like each image has to stand on its own and tell some sort of story. It was a good refresh for my head about the mt characters and personalities, if nothing else.

As you all probably have noted, the Capture the Bear posters are available online now. The guys from USAnime have been very supportive of MT over the past year, and i decided to let them handle the posters this time. One of the main reasons for producing these posters is that Megatokyo really does need your support right now - the best way to help out is to pick up a poster or two - all the profits from these sales go towards helping MT stay alive. The next few months are critical for me and the survival of this site, so if you feel the need to acquire some wall decoration, please buy a poster. you know me, i don't ask for support that often. Also, the sooner all of these posters are gone, the sooner i can get to the next poster design, which i plan to have in production at the end of next month, if all goes well.

If you didn't make it to A-kon, or if you want to refresh your memory of the Megatokyo Panel for some reason, run on over to Anime Tourist where you can read a transcript of the entire megatokyo panel. There are a few spoilers, embarrassing moments, and some small errors (which is my fault - Glenn sent me the draft, but i still haven't sent him my minor corrections). Its not a bad read, actually. It was a pretty good panel.

I really haven't been playing too many games lately, as you may have realized, but i DO need an outlet sometimes. One rather unusual type of doujinshi game you see these days are fighting games that feature ren'ai game characters. Queen of Hearts, Leaf Fight, Glove on Fight, etc. Right now i'm getting a real hoot out of Eternal Fighter Zero, a fighting game featuring characters from Kanon and One (both games from VisualArts). It's an absolute riot - and done with a lot of sense of humor... the idea of these cute little characters kicking the crap out of each other... You know all is right with the world when you can play as Sleepy Nayuki and whack people with a giant stuffed frog. :) Bliss...

< Dom >

Oop ack!

"Sails and sealing wax"

Tuesday - June 11, 2002

[Dom] - 09:00:00 - [link here]



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