MegaGear Patreon MegaGear
  1. Panel 1:
    Pre-historic man first learned to stand so his hands could be free to hold weapons.
  2. Panel 2:
    The history of weaponry is the history of mankind. All of history can be tied to technological advances in weapon systems.
    Also shown:
  3. Panel 3:
    There have been many brutish, inhumane weapons throughout history.
    Also shown:
  4. Panel 4:
    Modern weapons have evolved a kind of brutal elegance. Intimacy with the target is now a matter of choice. Targets can be destroyed with surgical precision from great distances.
    Also shown:
    Junko, Ping
  5. Panel 5:
    Yet this can turn death into little more than a sanitary, emotionless statistic. Delivering death without feeling it takes the humanity out of it. Fortunately, modern weapons are also capable of a more... human touch.


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< Piro >

that other site...

"Acen Info, as requested :P"

Tuesday - May 11, 2004

[Piro] - 14:05:00 - [link here]

Just a quick update today to give you some information on Anime Central this weekend. Seraphim and I moved into the new warehouse place this weekend and everything is still in boxes, but i have enough stuff out that i can get some work done now. Obviously, one of the things i've been slacking on recently is rants, and i am sorry about that:

Hey is there any way you can get off your lazy ass and update the rant so it has convention info for chicago ?? I know that it takes 15 mins out of your lazing around the house to write a rant but maybe you can some how msuter the energy it takes to write it..I know it's asking a lot but I was looking forward to maybe seeing you at the con but it's getting really f-ing old waiting for updates and info do you like pissing your fans off ?
Yikes. Well, sorry about that. The old excuse of "i've been busy" never really cuts it, does it? While i'm not particularly worried about this particular reader (since i assume that this is just the culmination of his massive frustration with me and i certainly dont want to waste anymore of his time) he is right about one thing - those of you going to Anime Central need some info about whats up, so here it is.

There will be a meet and greet thing with guests and stuff Friday night at 5:30. Not sure of the details on that, check the website out for more. There is a Webcomics panel on Saturday at 10am - I don't plan to be on the panel because i want to give the other webcomic folks a chance to talk. I intend to be there if i can, however.

The main Megatokyo panel, the "Cheap Naze Nani Megatokyo Panel 2004" will be at 1:30pm on Saturday. As crazy as things have been around here recently, our show this year should be... interesting. Being prepared is not something we here at Megatokyo are known for, so why change now? :P We have 2 hrs to play with. Should be fun (we hope)

On Sunday, i have one panel, and thats at 11am panel called "Tips on Learning to Draw" panel with Bruce Lewis and Roberd DeJesus. That should be fun. At least Bruce and Robert know how to draw :).

For the balance of the con, Seraphim and I will be at the Wizzywig booth in the Dealer hall at the Wizzywig booth signing and drawing stuff for everyone who wants one.

There! should be fun. If you are gonna be at Acen, we'll look forward to seeing you. :)

Oh, and regarding the occasional pissy flame email -- I usually don't read or pay much attention to them (the number of supportive emails far outweigh the crappy ones), but sometimes it's cathartic to answer, so forgive my indulgence in this rant :P

< Dom >

Oop ack!

"Loose ends"

Wednesday - May 19, 2004

[Dom] - 14:30:00 - [link here]

As a note: The June issue of Wired is heading to magazine stands now, and yes, ladies and gents, that's my byline on page 62. Woooooo! :)

Okay, so I have to clear up a mistake I made in a previous rant: I credited Woodhead for Wizardry. I should've done my homework and gone to Moby Games, but I was under a lot of stress and forgot to. My bad. Here's the text of the e-mail I was sent:

From: Robert Del Favero
Subject: Woodhead and Wizardry

Concerning your rant of 5/11: My name's on Wizardry 2 as a contributor andon Wizardry 3 as a coauthor. I was involved with playing the game from whenthe prototype was an overhead-view 2d game written in Basic. AndrewGreenberg wrote that prototype in his dorm room at Cornell on his Apple ][computer, got his friends to test and give feedback on it, and then wrote adesign for Wizardy as it eventually made it to market. Robert Woodhead wasresponsible for implementing the game in UCSD Pascal, but the design of theprogram, the design of the content and most importantly the passion formaking the game, was Andrew Greenberg's. Woodhead was little more than acontract programmer, brought on to the project because Andy was too busyworking on a PhD in Computer Science to code the program he'd designed.

To say that Robert's responsible for "creating the American RPG" is asignificant misstatement of the situation. Andy's moved on (he has a familyand practices law in Florida these days) but he still deserves credit forwhat he accomplished in gaming, and Wizardy was his brainchild. Robert usedthe money and Japan connections he made from Wizardry to establish asuccessful anime import/production company, and that would be his claim tofame, not Wizardry.

So consider this a "my bad". I'd feel worse about it, but then I actually did my homework and realized that the first Wizardry came out while I was in the womb. Bet that made some of you gamers out there feel old... I apologize for that, but I just needed to make a point that it was an understandable gap in my video game knowledge that has since been filled.

Meanwhile, regarding my Final Fantasy Concert rant of last Wednesday, I got this mail from Germany:

From: Bastian Diedrich
Subject: formal dress required


In germany we have a fair called Games Convention. It has taken placeonly twice up to now, and this year will be the third time. Last yearthey held a concert on the evening the day before the opening. Theconcert had a mix of videogame music from both the east and the west,containing music from games like Splinter Cell, Wind Waker, FinalFantasy, but also older games, like Quest for Glory V or 1991s Apidya.The guests were quite a mixed bunch. There were the guests of honor, allin formal attire. There were the older gamers, some more, some less informal attire (myself I was wearing something I did not wear since Igraduated from school). And then, there were the others. Adolescent guyswearing T-Shirts and short trousers, sitting around as if they sat infront of the TV. Some of them even wore baseball caps, I spotted onewith a Simpsons-cap. In one of germanys most prestigious concert halls.I don't want to know what people like the mayor of the city holding theconvention think of video gamers now. Oh well. This year they'll holdanother concert, and say it will be longer, better etc. I'll be there.

So it looks like this is a worldwide plague. Okay, people, I know that it may be hard to get out of your jeans and branded t-shirts, but would it kill you to at least dig out some sort of collared shirt? Even in my grungiest days I had a few of those for formal occasions. Then again, my family's big enough that there's a wedding and/or a funeral every year, so I've never gone a year without wearing at least semi-formal wear. But that's neither here nor there--have some respect, people... these people--composers, musicians, event coordinators--put a lot of effort into creating this show for you. The least you could do to spend your appreciation (above and beyond buying a ticket) is spend more than two seconds dressing yourself.

Another person asked me to go into more detail about my thoughts on Blizzard's two offerings at the show.

My impression of World of Warcraft can be easily summed up by the word "eh". I appreciate the level of effort put into the game by the developers--the interface is easy, the graphics are pretty and the dungeons well thought out. But the problem is, I'm more than a little burned out on fantasy MMORPGs, a burnout that NCSoft picked up and did something about with City of Heroes and Auto Assault. There's only so much spell-slinging and swordplay I can deal with on a daily basis. Gimme aerial battles, rooftop melees, Giant Robots! Gimme copy machines filled with NINJA! Something other than rabbits and boars and wolves and goblins and elven warriors and ohmygodIthinkI'mgoingtovomit. This is not a knock on Blizzard, mind you--I'm probably just a jaded gamer at this point.

As for Starcraft: Ghost, that looks like a lot of fun. It's been long enough since the last Starcraft game that the world seems fresh again, and while I'm disappointed that the main character doesn't sound like Clint Eastwood, I like the core gameplay--there's just enough action that I don't get bored waiting for someone to freakin' turn around (See: Tenchu) and just enough stealth that I feel like a badass while dodging Marines and throwing them off of cliffs. The controls felt smooth, and the game oozed typical Blizzard personality.

Another reader asked about the Nintendo DS and the Sony PSP. Unfortunately, those weren't on my beat and I didn't get a chance to see them. I just know that I won't get either of them, no matter how cool they are.

And, finally, one unfortunate reader gets the Dom Hates You prize. Here's an excerpt of her mail:

Hiya Dom!
I've E-mailed you a couple times before. About random stuff like yourGrandfather, FFXI, and how I'm your #1 Fan! It probably not truethough...and I used to sign as LockhartFF7.

Anyway...It sounded like you had fun at E3.

LockhartFF7 (I won't release your name because that just seems mean), you have earned a uterus punch. Because I have no idea how you read my rants and got "I had fun" out if it. You may have had fun reading my rants--that's the point of writing them, after all--but you didn't get the parts where I wrote that I spent most of E3 hungry, exhausted and in pain. As DeadKennedy put it on the forums, "according to my roommates who went to E3 you didn't so much walk the floor as shuffled around."

And for those people who e-mailed me wishing that I'd gone to ACen like I did last year, let me note to you that I spent most of Saturday and Sunday asleep or sitting still and staring off into space. It's Wednesday and I'm STILL drained--would you really wish 6 straight days of convention work on anyone? Be honest. And explain why you want to kill me.

Dom out.


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