< Seraphim >
"white hair"
Monday - March 5, 2001
[Seraphim] - 21:34:00 - [link here]
Seraphim here again!
I don't mean to start the week off badly for any one, but my Grandmother died last night. She was 95 and slipped peacefully away after a brief illness. She actually played a part in the choosing of my moniker. Her name was Seraphine (pronounced Sarafeen), mine is Sarah, and I suggested Seraphim for MT. I was always glad my parents didn't opt to name me after her - it was such an old fashioned name. My Grandma and I were pretty much dead ringers and I still resemble her when she was my age. Piro got a chance to meet her a few years back and just loved her. She was middle European with an olive complexion and snow-white hair, which the nurses put into a very long ponytail. I have her great skin tone and tan really easily but I really want the pure white hair when I am older. No gray for me. I want to wake up with a full head of shocking white hair one morning. (A 12 hour car drive to the funeral with my older sister and I may just get my wish sooner than later!) I really don't want to get anyone down - she had a long, full life and died with dignity - but go give your Grandparents a call or send a card if you still have them.
The move is complete and Piro even has his new drawing desk. He is no longer drawing over his key board on his lap with the sketchbook resting on MoMo. He is drawing right now and it suits him well. He looks like the mad artist that he is. The 'Moving Violation' strip really happened. After struggling down one flight of stairs he had the brilliant idea of sliding the dresser down on its side. I asked him several times if that was a good idea and was he positive? He assured me that he had the matter under control so I cheerfully let go. The dresser, however, didn't slide straight downstairs - it swayed toward the wall and back towards the banister all the while plunging downward. I have never seen his little legs move so fast as he raced to not get run over. When they reached the bottom he shot me THE LOOK. It was so full of scorn, of contempt, of resentment that, naturally, it made me bust out laughing. I giggled for a week every time I thought back to it. Good times. Shortly after that incident Piro called Two Men and Truck to complete the moving process.
Our movers were Gary and Gary and they did a great job. Gary the younger came strolling from the truck with the sofa on his head. Many cultures carry objects that way - it requires balance but the there is much less energy expended since the weight is carried through the long axis of your body and not through the arms. I was just amazed. I tried carrying a small laundry basket in from the car on my head and I am positive I compressed several vertebrae. Did you know the muscles that cause you to shrug your shoulders are extremely powerful and can even lift a person by shrugging?
After my last rant a hapless reader had the audacity to email Largo asking him to tell Piro that his gf should not be allowed to write the rant and if he wanted to hear from women he would watch 'the View'. For those of you who are not yet in the 21st century - get your head out of your asses. Women are no longer told what to say or when to say it or where they may say it. BTW, what a wuss, going to Largo with his misogynistic, sexist remarks - you got something to say honey, say it to me and be ready to say it to the hundreds of women you will encounter as fellow students, co-workers, bosses, professors, and health care professionals in your life time. In fact, why don't you just wear a sign that says 'Ignorant Sexist Pig' so society will know to shun you. Stop by the webpage for the American Association for University Women to find out more about social equality while your're at it.
[gulp! (runs for cover) - piro]